
This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress.

42 thoughts on “About

  1. psst! šŸ™‚ You might feel unwanted because you’ve been abused, and if you check around here online . . . you might find you are in welcome company.

    Just a thought if you are starting the path to healing, dude. Or dudette (female version of ‘dude’)

  2. Thanks for following my blog judysp.wordpress.com your support is much appreciated. I can’t wait for you to do your first post as the title is certainly eye catching. cheers Judy

  3. You are brave and strong – and finding your voice. I think that remembering and telling about the things have that hurt us, the people that have hurt us, can be so deeply empowering and healing. It is like bearing witness – not like, IS. You were victimized. You witnessed it as well as experienced it. And now you are exposing it. I hope you are finding that sharing your story is setting you on a good path, toward strength. And, I hope you find a way to insulated your children from the people who have hurt you. You are right. You never deserved that treatment. EVER. They, abusers, always have justification and excuses, but there is NO justification for child abuse. Believe your heart. Protect your children. You have a chance, now, to stop a pattern, a cycle. You see it, you know it is wrong, you can stop it.
    Thanks for reading my blog šŸ™‚

  4. I am so sorry for your pain and suffering! All my love and prayers for healing go out to you. Please remember you are not alone, you are not to blame, and you don’t have to suffer the rest of your life. Please contact me at mkmurph77@gmail.com at anytime you need to talk or not feel alone. I’m here with you. You have so much courage to speak out and state Truth. Not everyone can do that and I applaud your braveness. I also have PTSD and live with it and you can learn to live a functional and happy life as well. I’m so proud of you and hope that you will continue to read my blog and that maybe it can help you in your healing process! God Bless and Much Love!

  5. Thank you for visiting my blog. I will certainly pray for you and your children as you come to terms with your past and find your voice here as part of the healing process. Bless you.

  6. I am saddened by your pain and encouraged by your choice to move toward healing. Keep walking toward peace knowing that our prayers are with you.
    Thank you for following The Brass Rag. I look forward to your comments so come see us again soon. Meanwhile, love life and happy writing.

  7. Thank you for your visit and like! šŸ™‚

    I must echo what others have said on this page. I am so glad you’re taking steps toward your own better health and empowerment! When I was back at the beginning of my journey, journaling (plain pen and paper then) was a lifesaver for me. I hope that your blog -with the additional support of others who have similar experiences- will help you and speed you on your way! Feel free to e-mail me – murphy_becca07@yahoo.com – and join in on my Facebook page (women transcending trauma). By the way…I’m not at the end, my journey continues…just know that it gets better and you are in good company here!

  8. Pingback: About « The Sunshine Murders Series

  9. My heart goes out to you and I do hope that writing down your experiences to share with others is making you stronger. My husband has PTSD and I have a disabling stress-related condition so I know something of what you go through. Carpe diem! You CAN get through and find a better and more peaceful life for you and your children. Believe it. Blessings.

  10. Peace, healing and many blessing to come. You can control your own destiny and how you choose to live your life. God bless you and keep you in his care. Thanks for following my blog. I hope you find some inspiration, fun and perhaps a spark of creative energy unleashed. Best regards,

  11. Hi! Thank you for stopping by my page šŸ™‚ I am honored you have read some of your story. So much pain but you survived and are relating your stories to others. I think it is wonderful what you are doing, both for you and others in similar situation. We all know pain and I have had my share though different in some ways, and it is amazing how that shared experience of pain and heartache or utter misery can be such a powerful bonding tool with other human beings. I hope you find peace and serenity.

    • People really need to understand that Child Abuse do happen to innocent children, and we really do have real mean, nasty and cruel people who really like to abuse, pick on and bully children they really don’t like, and if it is your family abusing you like that, it is a real tragic and an unjustified life sentence that they did imposed on you and they do not tell you why, well it did happen to me that way, because those family people never did tell me why either.

      Thank you for the moral support.

  12. I am upholding you in prayer just as you ask. My story is one of pain and abuse and God made something beautiful out of the mess that was my childhood. He can redeem anything. You are loved and valued and wanted by the God who created you to be unique. I hope you’ve experienced that Love?

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